The Good Shit’s No-Till Growing System

At The Good Shit, we've embraced an innovative and sustainable approach to growing food that revolves around a harmonious blend of techniques. Our unique no-till system integrates the natural behaviors of chickens and rabbits, incorporates the principles of hugelkultur, and draws inspiration from the time-tested Ruth Stout method.

  1. Chickens and Rabbits
    Our farm thrives on the symbiotic relationship between chickens, rabbits, and crops. Chickens and rabbits play a pivotal role in pest control, soil aeration, and nutrient cycling. Their waste becomes a valuable fertilizer, enhancing the soil's fertility while minimizing the need for external inputs.
  2. Hugelkultur
    Hugelkultur, a German permaculture concept, is a cornerstone of our no-till farming philosophy. By creating raised beds filled with organic matter, such as logs, branches, and compostable materials, we harness the benefits of natural decomposition. This not only provides a consistent source of nutrients to the plants but also improves water retention, ensuring our crops thrive in various weather conditions.
  3. Ruth Stout Method
    Inspired by the legendary Ruth Stout, we employ her method of deep mulching to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and nurture the soil. The thick layer of organic mulch not only protects the soil from erosion but also fosters a favorable environment for beneficial soil organisms. This low-maintenance approach aligns perfectly with our commitment to sustainability.

Why We Do This:

Environmental Stewardship: Our approach minimizes soil disturbance, reduces reliance on synthetic inputs, and promotes biodiversity.

Resource Efficiency: By integrating animals into the farming system and leveraging natural processes, we optimize resource utilization and enhance overall efficiency.

Resilience: Improving the structure and fertility of our soil with these methods contributes to the resilience of our farm, making it adaptable to varying climatic conditions.

These methods can work in your backyard too! Contact us today if you want some help getting started.